1991 - Costs of spaceships, space station and starship drop by almost half due to the adaptation of gravity control for use in propulsion and lift systems.
Now, the "Sport of Kings" - yacht racing - moves into its inevitable next step - space racing.
The City of Kila Vas, in an effort to promote tourism, in conjunction with nearly a dozen corporations, sponsors the "Helvatica Prize."
This will be a long-distance timed event beginning in orbit over Kila Vas, passing by several moons and then a long sprint back to the Start/Finish line. Whoever or whichever team wins will be awarded the Helvatica Prize - a silver vase and $100 million Helvatica Dollars.
With the conclusion of the first race, the event becomes known as "StarRacer."
Do you have what it takes to win?
$2 million dollar application fee, submit applications with the Helvatica Department of Tourism. Applications due by December 12, race begins at 7 AM April 1 each year.