Yes, with Maf: Starfleet Battles, players can make money simply by playing the game.
Maf: Starfleet Battles offers two options: 1. A free to play version where players play but do not expect to receive an income for playing and 2. Get Paid to Play.
Download and Updates are free
Maf: Starfleet Battles and all subsequent chapters, updates, upgrades, mods and versions will always be free to download and play.
Free to Play
In the free-play set-up, players download the game and purchase ships, equipment, rent homes or offices and conduct their mining, exploring, bounty-hunting, combat or other career as they choose.
By playing in this manner, a player can conduct nearly all activities any other player may do but does not expect to receive an income from playing.
A more thorough description of this is available by contrasting the Free to Play method with the Get Paid to Play method.
Get Paid to Play
Players can make a real-world income when they choose to "Get Paid to Play."
To Get Paid to Play, players must purchase a "Game License."
A Game License is authority for the owning player to own assets or buy or sell property or assets or build then rent or sell assets to other players. The player owning the Game License receives income from other players commensurate with the value of the Game License they purchased.
Game Licenses begin at $1 USD and range in price to $250,000 USD.
The $1 Game License is a "Table License." The Table License enables the owning player to own a table at a restaurant, bar or nightclub or a stool at the main bar; a booth or kiosk at a craft fair, inside a mall or at a Farmer's Market or a sidewalk vending machine, a truck, or booth, or a washing machine or a dryer at a laundry.
A Table License also includes vending machines, concession stands at fairs and carnivals, booths or kiosks at sports events or concerts, mobile food trucks or veterinary services, a chair at a beauty salon or barber shop, etc. An activity not listed but that the Table License holder believes may be suitable for coverage by a Table License may be submitted to the game moderators for permission to be included as a Table License activity.
A Table License pays $1,000 Helvatica Dollars (HD) per real world day.
A Table License owner can multiply their Table License revenues by up to a 1,000% maximum through a process known as "optimization."
Optimization is available for every Game License and is a means by which a player's income can be increased for the Licenses they own.
To optimize a Game License, the Game License holder submits an Optimization Request to an Engineering and Research company, stating the reasons their Game License should be optimized and the additional value they will provide as a result of optimization.
You don't need to be too elaborate.
For example, let's say you bought a Table License and your choice is a chair at a beauty salon.
To optimize your License you submit a request to an Engineering and Research company stating that you want to optimize your License by offering hair extensions, brow threading or weaves. Your request does not need to offer any more details than that.
The Engineering and Research company accepts your request and conducts the research enabling you to offer the hair weaves etc.
Upon completion of their research, the Engineering and Research company returns a notice to you that your Table License has been enhanced by 225%.
As the License holder you can either accept their Optimization or reject it - but you will still need to pay the research fees associated with the work the Engineering and Research company has completed on your behalf.
If the amount of increase does not meet your expectations, you can submit an additional request.
Each enhancement adds to any previous enhancement.
This time you submit a request for optimization and receive an additional 775% increase bringing your total Optimization to 1,000% - the maximum for a Table License. Now instead of receiving $1,000 HD per real world day, you are receiving $10,000 HD.
Many Game Licenses have no limit on the amount they may receive in Optimization.
Other Game License Income
For income potentials for other Game Licenses, please read our blog posts - "Make Money by Playing."
Maf:Starfleet Battles is currently seeking funding for development and distribution of the game. Any purchases made will go entirely to creating the game. We anticipate that, after initial funding, a workable prototype version of the game will be available for download and play within 2 to 6 months.
Game License payments will be honored when the game is available for download.